Dark October is Here!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
"The End?"
In the darkness of space, no one can hear you scream.
Brak didnt want to test that out.
It was only a few short hours ago, that Brak found
out that another, evil Brak existed.
The Council of Justice had decided to strike back,
Attacking at night, hoping to use the element of surprise.
For a third time, the spaceship desended upon the towering fortress.
Shot were fired.
The battle had begun.
Brak, Metallus, Android, and the White Queen headed for the main
power core again, planning to set it out once again.
Zokar stayed in the spaceship in order to divert attention.
"Your not going ANYWHERE!"Yelled a voice
The Space Spectre was behind them, thirsty for revenge
"It is logical for me to stay here and hold him off,
you go ahead." said Android.
"Let's Move!" ordered Metallus
They arrived at the power core in a few moments
Metallus and Brak set the charges as the White Queen
acted as a lookout.
"Melissa, is anyone coming?" asked Metallus?
No answer
He turned around, and stood staring at Brak, holding the White Queen.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, do you think I'm stupid, you fell right into the trap!
Now to exterminate you two, and capture that idiot!" He said
"Im not an idiot you impostanator!"yelled brak
"Impostanator? You truly ARE stupid"replied "brak"
BLAM!, a magnetic sheild pinned Metallus to the wall.
"And now you my dear queen, bye-bye"
He charged his weapon and aimed straight at her head.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"Yelled a shadowy figure
The White Queen fell to the ground, and a cold body lay next
to her. It was Android, who had taken the blast while protecting her.
"I've always.... loved.. you...."and then he lay limp.
"You'll pay for this!" shouted the White Queen.
But as she was laying on the ground, "Brak" had taken Brak and threw him
in a giant Diamond shaped Boz, while he was standing in another one
Shocks went out, and went through Brak and "Brak"
Smoke shot up and sparks flew everywhere.
When it ended, "Brak" was gone, and our Brak collapsed, but he was alive
The white queen picked him up, while the free Metallus picked up the cold
body of Android. They rushed to the spaceship, and the charges blew.
The mission was a failure, with one cassualty, and "brak" had escaped.
The White Queen sat in tears, sobbing the long journey home
Brak was traped here now, what should he do?
In our universe, a blast of light appeared, and dissapated.
A lone figure appeared out of no where
It took almost 30 years, but Brak has returned, and he wants REVENGE!
Chapter 6
"The Origin"
"I guess you'll want me to explain my statment, well I will, and this
will help take up space for this chapter." said the new "brak"
All heartbeats of those who heard the news just moments stopped
Two Braks were standing in the room.
"Years ago,"continued "Brak" "I was fleeing from a battle with that
evil Space Ghost. My ship, my brother Sisto, and I were attacked.
By paranimites. Everyone thinks I was killed in that attack.
In reality, I got pulled into this universe, the universe of the Space
Spectre. I made allies quickly, and I was plotting slowly over
the years. That takes us to present day where you will all die!'
"Not so fast "Brak"!"Replied Metallus."You forgot one thing."
he took out his gun and blasted the floor benith him.
As he and his comrades were falling, he called back,
"You forgot to place one more force field!"
"Everyone, jetpacks on!"
As they soared away, "brak" frowned at his one mistake.
They arrived back at the base in a hour.
"This is what I have feared." said Metallus
"Years ago, I looked at some of the Space Spectre's
computer files of this parrallel universe
I was hoping it was a lie, but in my heart I knew
it was true."
"I know that this other Brak has a plan up his sleeve.
we must attack his fortress, and not let him get away.
Is everyone with me?"
In unison, four voices said yes, and they prepared for
their big battle.
Brak pondered about him actually beloning to this universe
in one he doesn't even remember.
He knew this other Brak was evil, but the idea of them
attacking the fortress seemed a little to obvious.
"The Secret...REVEALED!"
"Everyone strap in"
It was the next morning, and Metallus had decided to order an attack
on the fortress Brak was held captive in.
His motives are still unknown
They were all silent in the dark spaceship, as they soared to the
huge spacial fortress in the stars.
The band of hero's were dectected almost instantly. Laser turrents fired
rapidly at the spaceship.
"Ok team, on my mark White Queen, Android, and I will
go into the fortress and destroy it, Any questions? Good." Said Metallus
Android, Metallico, and the White Queen jumped out of the
ship, with jetpacks and space suits, as well as weapons.
They soared away as Brak watched them dissapear inside the
vast fortress.
Inside, the small party moved quickly. Android thought it was most
logical to destroy the power core, which would send a shock wave and destroy the
fortress. As they walked down the hallway, Metallico had an eerie feeling, that
someone was watching him, but all the guards had been knocked out or killed.
He quickly shrugged off the thought and continued on.
They reached the power core in a matter of minutes.
Metallico set the charges and they raced out the door
An electric force feild appeared in front of them, and a deep bawling
laughter was heard from everywhere.
"Show yourself!"commanded Metallico
"BWHAHAHAHAHAH, so brave Metallico, but you could never compete with me."
"That voice, who is that?"
The wall busted open to the right of them<. Brak appeared with a laser gun.
He had come to get them out." Hurry or we'll all get boo-boo's!" yelled Brak.
Another force feild appeared, then another, and another. They were enclosed
in a force field, and were traped.
"You will pay for saving that idiot! I will destroy you!"
Out walked Metallus, with a laser rifle in hand.
"Prepare to die" he said. He lowered the force-field.
" You're not Metllus! He's a low talker an he's shy!" yelled Brak.
" Well, because you will die anyway, I will unmask myself
I am ..................................................

Whoah! good cliffhanger eh? well, turn in next week on tuesday, and then on
Halloween for the conlcusion!