Chapter 3
"The Council"
"Your not going anywhere with him, Council!" yelled the Space Spectre.
"Thats what you think." replied the armored man.
"White Queen, will you do the honors?"
"My pleasure." the woman replied.
She took out a huge laser rifle, mounted it on her solider, and fired at the
ceiling of the fortress on which the Space Spectre was standing.
He fell throuh, and with the few secondsm in which it took him to recover,
The ship Brak was in took off into the twilight of space.
An hour later, the ship arrived on a jungle planet.
No signs of civilization were evident. As they desended closer to the surface,
Brak could make out a medium sized building with laser cannons mounted on both sides
The armored man pressed a button, which opened a huge hanger door. They entered
and the armored man started talking.
" Welcome home Brak, its been a while, but we're glad to see you back."
"Home? I don't know where I am? Who are you?" Brak replied.
"The doctors warned me of this, you might have suffered brain damage,
so you may not remember somethings. I am Metallico, the leader of
the Council of Justice!"

" We, Android, the White Queen, Zokar, me, and you all banded together
to fight the evil of the Dasterdly Duo many years ago."
" Tradgedy struck when you dissapeared years ago in a shuttle crash."
" If we ever founbd you, we were told that you would have had massive
brain damage. We than continued our heroic doings, until yesterday.
We picked up someone with the body of the lifesigns of you."
We followed him, and saved you"
Brak was thinking to himself why he still doesn't remember this when
The roof above him dissintegrated. The Space Spectre and the metallic winged
warrior with his robotic raven.
Screamed the Space Spectre."We outnumber you greatly, what makes you think
you will win?" replied the White Queen.
"I was hopping you'd say that" yelled the spectre, he pointed behind him,
and out came a rock man, a woman made of ice, and another man made of fire