am the Watcher.
It is my job to watch over countless realitys
All it takes is a single action to divert an entire timeline
In the reality you are familar with, Quatre Winner went crazy
and almost killed his friend, Trowa. Trowa talked some sense into
him, reverting Quatre back to his sane self. Trowa was thrown
from his Mobile Suit, but was later found and peace was made
in the Earth Sphere. In another timeline, however, Trowa didn't
survive. Quatre killed him, and different events took place.
What If Quatre Killed Trowa?
Episode One: Acts Of Vengence
"Trowa, don't get any closer!"
Quatre was in the cockpit of tbe Wing Zero, pleeding to his friend.
Trowa, piloting the Vayate was approaching the dangerously mad Quatre.
"I'm doing this for your own good Quatre"
Trowa knew his friend was endangering the lives of all the people in the nearby colony, as well as himself and Heero's. He had to try to calm him down.
"I said don't get any closer, just listen to me!"
Despite Quatre's warnings, the Vayate didn't stop. It's thrusters pushed the blue mobile suit on its deadly course.
"This is my last warning, if you come any closer I will attack you!"
Trowa didn't react
And that was his final mistake
"I'm so sorry Trowa..."
The Wing Zero activated its beam saber, while the Vayate wielded it's beam cannon. Trowa aimed at the Wing Zero's chest armor, and fired.
Wing Zero swerved around the blast, using it's thrusters to clear the beam just in time. Grappling the beam saber, Wing Zero lifted it over it's shoulder, and sliced down. The angular cut tore off the top of the Vayeate.
All this time, the Mercurius, piloted by Heero, had been trailing behind. Trowa speed off before him and gained a very hefty lead.
Heero arrived just in time to see Quatre start to slice the Vayate.
"Quatre, Stop!! Trowa is your friend!!"
"No Heero, no one is allied with me anymore"
Holding the beam saber with both hands directly infront of it, the Wing Zero lunged foreward. Trowa felt no pain at all. The saber tore threw the titanium alloy, through his chest, and straight out the other end.
In flashed of red and orange, the Vayate exploded. The explosion threw scraps of metal tens of meters away. It lasted several minutes, changing from flashes of red and orange to red and white to finally nothing. It almost seemed as part of space. Quatre was so close, he could almost feel Trowa's life fade away.
"Trowa...how could I..hehe...HeHeHEHEHE...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Quatre suddenly felt different. His eyes turned scarlet, his eyebrows arches, and a big grin appeared on his face. Quatre was too far gone now. Quatre was insane
"Quatre, how could you"
Heero felt powerless. His Mercurius was too far away to save Trowa, but not far enough to avenge his death.
"He was my enemy. People with weapons are my enemy.I destroy my enemies. Everyone has weapons. Everyone will die!!!"
In an instant, Quatre aimed the Wing Zero's huge Beam Cannon and fired it at the Mercurius. Heero had enough time to activate the planetary defensors, but the force of the blast threw him right into the nearby colony.
"Heero, Meet Trowa in Hell"
Another Blast, and the Colony exploded.
The first Oz mobile suits on the scene were greeted by a huge field of debris. In the center of the debris, was a crude sculpture.
It was of a bleeding heart.
Quatre had shaped what was left of the Mercurius into this, one last demented act.
For Now
Next Time in What If?:
Quatre decides to declare war on OZ, the first of his many victims.
He brings the Wing Zero to the Lunar Base, where Duo and Wufei are
being held captive. Next time on What If? Quatre Killed Trowa:
Episode Two: Fall Of An Empire